Thursday, June 28, 2007


I've heard that it takes thirty days of doing something to make it a habit. I think it takes 3 months of not doing something to break the habit. ;)

Of the 7 and 1/2 habits of "highly effective learners," I think that the 7 and 1/2th habit--play--is the one that I could stand to improve on. I'm a very curious person by nature and, in my life, I give that curiosity plenty of room, but I don't do that as well at work.

I think that habit 3--view problems as challenges--is one that I'm fairly good at as it applies to work. I find difficult-to-answer questions invigorating and interesting, and I enjoy searching for the answers.


Anonymous said...

Tell me, is there really a man in the moon?

Feed The Man In The Moon said...

I guess it's all about your perspective ;).

'Course--I've got an alien in my YMMV. ;)

refhobbit said...

Like the pics- I'm recalling one in Iona Opie's "Mother Goose" illustrated by Rosemary Wells, which the man being spoonfed. Must have been for "the man in the moon came down too soon. And who can forget McDonald's ad campaign featuring lounge-lizardish "Mac Tonight?" Admittedly, some might want to...