Tuesday, September 18, 2007


is taking over the world. And, right now, I can't say that I'm complaining.

I played with the Google Docs and created this document. This was a two-part experiment for me. First I took a document that I had previously made in Excel, copied it and then pasted it into Google (which worked nearly perfectly) and then I played with a bit and published it.

The document itself is a way to track my progress and the gym.

This is a fantastic tool for me. Like del.icio.us it helps me keep my favorites with me wherever I go, this lets me access my documents any where I am. If I traveled and then decided to go to the gym, a quick trip to my google would tell me exactly what my reps and resistances were prior to my trip to an unfamiliar gym.

It's an amazing tool and one I look forward to using. I also like that you can republish the link as you change the data, but that the url itself does not change. If I had a coach or a trainer, they could also keep up to date on my stats and, even as I added new information, I wouldn't have to send out new links.

It's a truly useful tool. For our students who have large documents but no way to email or save them--this could be a godsend. Since they can effectively cut and paste the information--they can suddenly house their data online instead of carrying it with them.

It makes the whole internet your hard-drive and you can get there from any where in the world. How much more exciting does it get??

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