Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You Tube...

This is what I chose to share from You Tube. First, it's funny. Second, I like squirrels and they're really prevalent on this campus.

You Tube is somewhat cluttered (specifically the "director's videos" along the sides) but overall I like it. It's certainly changing the way people interact.

Check out these brothers for example. They've committed to communicating exclusively through vlogs (or video blogs) for an entire year. It's fascinating to watch their conversations and how they take place. It's also fascinating to see how an entire community has built up around them and their experiment.

Their vlogs are interesting and some of them aren't all that informative, but watching as they progress is very interesting.

That is the first one, the one that outlined the experiment.

In terms of how this relates to libraries, I think it's obvious that this relates to libraries because libraries can video collections, tutorials for frequently asked questions, staff events etc. Essentially, all the things that this library is already attempting to do.

I do think that embedding you tube tutorials (instead of screencaps or merely textual explanations) for frequently asked questions would be a wonderful way to improve our website and assist our students and consumers. Not to mention, because you tube can tell you how many times any given video has been viewed--you can still get a sense of how much traffic you're having.

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